
Letty Hernandez is our client services director. Letty comes to us with a strong background in the caring arts. She served for three years as a senior care manager for Julia and Pete Warner. Prior to that she served at the Senior Center as the homebound meal manager. Letty graduated from Liberal High School and attended SCCC majoring in business management and marketing. She volunteered at the Senior Care Center, United Way, and Elder Care while raising her five children. Letty also worked with Terry Decker at Elder Care. One of Terry’s favorite things about Letty is that, “she has backbone and she doesn’t give up.”
Letty likes to play basketball, go for walks, watch movies, and cook together with her children. She likes to read, too. Her favorite book right now is, “The Five Second Rule,” by Mel Robbins.Letty’s immediate goals are to grow the center to be more known in the community through advertising and attending events. She wants to reach students in the schools about sexual risk avoidance using several of the great curriculum that we have found. Also on her agenda are to apply for some major grants to help fund these projects.

You are welcome to stop in and meet Letty and take a tour of the center.

Hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Get a 70% Tax Credit Here!

Tax Credit

An exciting bill from this year’s Kansas

legislature makes any money donated to

pregnancy care centers deductible at 70%. If you are in the

35% tax bracket and donate $10,000 to Grace Place, you re-

duce your tax bill by $8,250. Essentially your $10,000 only

costs you $1,700.

Tell Me More.

In 2024. the State of Kansas passed House Bill 2465

which gives a tax credit benefit for those who donate to

eligible charitable organizations, including pregnancy

resource centers like Grace Place.

You can make a generous donation and receive 70% of

that donation amount in a tax credit. For example, Ann

Smith donates $1000 to Grace Place. After Grace Place

files the tax form for Ann, she will receive a $700 tax cred-

it award letter from the state. This means that only $300

actually came out of Ann’s pocket and Grace Place re-

ceived a donation of $1000.

More information can be found at

How does a tax credit benefit me?

Tax credits are not deductions.

Deductions reduce your total income before taxes owed

are assessed, while tax credits directly reduce the

amount of tax you owe. This means tax credits have a

much greater impact on your Kansas taxes and can be a

huge benefit to you.

How does it work?

Donate $100 or more to  Grace Place Pregnancy Care Center.  We will send you a K-96  form. Fill out the K-96 tax application and return it to Grace  Place. The Executive Director will sign it and submit it to the state for you.  The State will process your application and you will receive your tax credit award letter in the mail within 60 days, to include with your tax filing.


BY MAIL:  311 N Grant Ave. Liberal, KS 67901 

ONLINE:  Visit

Or scan the QR code below: 

Is Grace Place a Professional Fit for you? We are hiring!

RN, NP, PA, RDMS. Salary based on experience. Full or PT is negotiable. Provide ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, STI tests, educate clients and manage small limited medical clinic. Must be a self starter. Grace Place covers

sonographer training costs.  You will find a downloadable application and job description at   

What is the happiest field of nursing? 

The happiest nurse job, according to  Trusted is a nurse educator. Nurse educators reported the highest satisfaction ratings of any other type of nurse, with 33% reporting that they were happy in their current role.

What is Grace Place?

Grace Place’s mission is to offer compassion, hope and help to anyone  facing an unplanned pregnancy. We continue helping moms through the  baby’s second year. Our free services include self-administered pregnancy tests, peer consultations, options consultations, practical needs, a support group, and online learn-to-earn classes. Classes include a video, worksheet, discussion, and spiritual application/prayer time. This spring we will offer ultrasounds. We are open 9-5, five days per week and have a full-time client services director, Letty Hernandez and part-time program manager, Maria

Froese. Volunteers help in the boutique and classroom.  We have three goals. Our first goal is to reflect Christ’s love to everyone who enters our building. If you would like services, we want to help. Our classes are offered 5 days/week, 9-5. Clients shop our boutiques with baby bucks earned from classes. The second goal is to reach the abortion-minded woman who needs to hear the truth about her choices: How the different abortion methods  affect the baby and the mother spiritually, socially, emotionally, and  physically; the three types of adoption; and parenting options. The third goal is to reach the area youth with relationship training that includes a sexual risk avoidance message.


Facilities Update

The United Methodist Church has been incredibly kind to allow us the use of

their building rent and utility free for the past five years. However, the Board

of Trustees voted to not allow a limited medical clinic or the use of an ultra-

sound machine in their building. The church recently hired a new pastor and

we are now in the process of purchasing the building.

Once the purchase is completed we will begin making some renovations to the limited medical clinic that will be located next door at 119 W 3rd. The

311 N Grant building will remain as our pre and post-natal education site, Wee Boutique and Stork’s Landing Boutique.

We will let you know when we are ready for our ribbon cutting and open

house. Volunteers are welcome both in our current space and with


Check out to apply.

Board of Directors

Mirella Buchman, chairman

Brittan Fitzgerald, vice-chairman

Tava Davis, secretary

Jamie Cook, treasurer

Wayne Melanson, member

Michelle Jacobs , member


July 15th Newsletter

Grace Place: Notes from the Gap

 Have you ever been so worried  about something that you couldn’t  handle making a decision? Many of our clients and readers understand that feeling all too well. That is what Grace Place is here for. We offer compassion, hope, and practical help  to anyone who is in an unplanned pregnancy. I remember one of our clients who was six months pregnant but in the midst of a difficult health situation with her husband and had left him. She was worried about housing, child care, holding down a  job. And the decisions needed for her unborn baby just couldn’t make their way to the top of the list. We walked her through the pregnancy test, helped her get a prenatal appointment, provided emotional support, practical material help.

We stayed  with her for two and a half years. We are sort of like Nanny McFee. When  you don’t want us but need us we are  here. When you want us but don’t need us, you move on. I guess you can say that we build relationships.  We offer car seat safety checks, helping families who can and  can’t afford carseats.

Did you know that it takes three full work days to qualify to check carseats? Technicians must understand the positions of airbags, different types of seat belts  (locking, not-locking) latchplates (locking, switchable, sliding, sewn-on,  and dynamic locking), and be able to install the myriad of carseats; then, teach someone else to install the car seat. Letty just qualified as our new  technician. At our last Carseat Safety Lane she helped families with 13 car seats. We have more seats on order because she needs to do 4 more. Our next Safety Lane will be in October.


This year’s banquet will be held on September 17 from 7-9pm in the Ag Building of the Seward County Fair Grounds. We are featuring an all star cast again this year with John Ross  Catering our meal, Alisa Henderson entertaining with dining tunes, and two wonderful cli ents lined up to share their stories. Our promise to you is this: we will get you in and out in  two hours, from sitting down with a tasty meal to walking out the door. Your time is valuable  and we won’t waste a moment.  The menu is being provided by John Ross Catering from Garden City. He has provided the menu for the past three years. We have heard really good comments about his meal every year. John is the 2010 founder of John Ross & Co. and has previously worked as a chef at both the Ritz Carlton and at Elway’s Steakhouse in Denver, Colorado. All the food that he  serves is prepared from scratch and you can taste the difference.  Alisa Henderson will be performing during the dining portion of the evening with her own  collection of relaxing music. She is a collaborative pianist at Seward County Community College, also playing for Southwest Symphony, Rainbow Players, and teaching in her spare time.  We are frequently asked what DVD we used for the music after Alisa plays. Yes, she is that good!  



Pam Stenzel has spent her entire adult life working with women experiencing crisis pregnancies, advocating for LIFE and helping students make the best choice and save sex for marriage. Pam’s personal story, being conceived in

rape and yet adopted and loved, gave her the passion to speak on

the value of every human life as well as walk along side women in

crisis and bring them help and hope. Pam’s life mission is to always

point to the value of every single person, created in God’s image,

with a plan and a purpose. Every person deserves the dignity and

respect bestowed upon them by their Creator first, every life has val-

ue because we are all children of God.

After graduating from Liberty University with a degree in psychology,

Pam began working with pregnancy help centers in the Minneapolis

area, eventually becoming director of Alpha Women’s Center in Prior

Lake, Minnesota. While working with Alpha Women’s Center, Pam

became keenly aware that many young women were making deci-

sions about sex, having no information about the consequences

those choices would bring. She began speaking to teens in her own

community, and eventually was asked to produce a video for use in

churches. In 1996, along with Youth For Christ, Pam’s talk to teens

“Sex Has A Price Tag” was released on VHS. This video is distributed

worldwide and has been translated in 11 different languages.

Pam began speaking on sexual integrity to students, parents and

educators full time and speaks LIVE to approximately 300,000 people

per year around the world.

Currently, Pam serves as the Client Services Director for Community

Pregnancy Clinics operating 5 clinics and 2 mobile clinics across

Southwest and Central Florida. She serves on the board of Safe Ha-

ven Baby Boxes, and is the director of the National Safe Haven Crisis

Hotline 1-866-99BABY1. Pam serves on the board of Personhood Alli-

ance and Personhood Florida, The board of Infinite Worth. Grace

Place uses her sexual integrity training for its workers.


We area open 9-5 Monday—Friday. I hesitate to say we need

volunteers because the ones we have are super great. But we CAN

use some help. Mostly we need boutique help. We sort the items and discard all that are stained, torn or worn out. The things we can not use get

donated to Et Cetera which is a Mennonite Mission. Volunteers usually choose a four hour window, one day per week. We are flexible with volunteers.

When they need to go out of town or to the doctor, they just let us know so that we don’t expect them. We have a variety of openings.

Here’s how to get started:

1. Choose a 4-hour time (8-12, 9- 1, 1-5, and

day of the week M, T, W, Th, F.)

2. Drop by and complete the volunteer application.

We’d love to see you!


by Cindy Lyddon

“I the Lord of wind and plain, I will tend the poor and lame. I will set a feast for them my hand will save . . . Whom shall I send? Here I am Lord,

Is it I, Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go Lord, if you lead me, I will hold your people in my heart.”

I stood in church singing these words and reflected on how God had saved me, grown me, and used me to reach others.

We were poor growing up. My dad was a verbally abusive, alcoholic father and mom jumped to make him happy. Both were too busy with their own problems to nurture me. Dad worked from home. This made it a no friend zone. I would walk to visit my Grandma who was a strong Christian. We

would have tea, play checkers, and she would listen to me for hours. Reading was my happy place until I was expelled from the public library for checking

out too many books. I never learned the art of talk. By 13 I got a job so I could buy school clothes. I accepted Jesus at 14. My safe harbor became the

church. I knew God loved me and he was my friend. We talked a lot.

At 15 I fell in love. At 18 I became pregnant. When I told my dad about the pregnancy, he just looked at me and said, “well, that’s that.” . My grandma said, “God will always love you.” We ended up in Kansas where Bill bought an

aviation operation. He worked constantly and I began the long process of learning how to be a mom and wife. After the kids were in school, I began college to be a teacher. I had forgotten how to study. “Oh God,” I said, “please help me learn. I promise to do whatever you want.” He answered my prayer. I flew through the studies, became a teacher and found a group with whom I loved to teach.

Twenty years later Jesus began calling me. My daily readings repeated child sacrifice verses. I read the Bible on my ipad and even began to wonder if the program was broken because it always started with the child sacrifices. I like to read historical fiction for fun. Even my pleasure reading was about Hezekiah. I heard his brother cry as he slid into Baal’s firey mouth. It chilled me to the bone as I realized that today people are sacrificing their children to the gods of pride and social standing.

I was in a new school. God began telling me that NOW it was time, he had something else for me. “Naw,” I thought. I didn’t want to. I really liked the people I was working with. But, we moved to a new building, everything was new and life became like walking through oatmeal. It was hard to use the phone, to use the computer, to go up the stairs. I couldn’t even form a complete sentence when talking to the principal! (She didn’t seem to notice?!)

When went to and from work I drove past a banner with a newborn that said, “Life, God’s greatest gift.” Twice daily my heart would start pounding. One day, as I drove into the school parking lot, my heart felt like it would explode. I knew it was God. I shouted, “FINE. I will quit.” I retired. By this time I was studying Nehemiah. Scripture stood out as if highlighted. God said, “who will

stand in the gap?” I began looking for a pastor to help me figure out what I needed to do. Twice the pastors suddenly moved away. God said, “My strength is sufficient for you. Open the center.” I didn’t want to. My husband was against the plan. I tried volunteering, it was awful.

I bought a How-To book as I argued with my calling and Bill’s discouragement. When God was pushing me, I took a step. When he stopped pushing, I stopped. God gave me nightmares of babies being burned and killed. It was enough to bring about another round of work. A local group that I belonged to had asked for donations for one of their workers. I was praying for the worker as I wrote a check. God whispered, “Do you love Me?” I started a new check. He whispered “Do you LOVE Me?” I paused. Then he whispered,

“DO YOU LOVE ME?” I wrote out a really big check. Apparently, that one was okay.

I started a steering committee and worked through all the paperwork necessary for a 501c3 and bylaws. Then we began praying for a building that we could afford. A local pastor told us, “Your dream is too small.“ She prayed a fabulous prayer and asked for no rent or utilities. God provided! I prayed for two file cabinets. Inside the closet were 24 cabinets stacked upon each other! I prayed about painting. Five people showed up. (Now, the painting was not professional work—but it was enough.)

And so we opened five years ago June 12, 2019. This spring God put these words on my heart: “Feed my sheep.” “Feed my lambs.” We face the evil one regularly. But through it all, God is faithful. He gives us the words. I look forward to the new home that God shows us for Grace Place. I am thankful for His love. But, some days I long for the rapture.

Grace Place: Making a Difference One Mom and Baby at a Time - Denia's Story

(Editor note: Denia speaks only Spanish.  I am printing her story as translated in  order to convey her bubbly personality.- Cindi)   

Since I started my pregnancy, I came  to Grace Place. It was a very nice process because I was really welcomed with excellent service. Cindy and Michelle are excellent people. I had doubts during my pregnancy; but, they explained things and showed me videos to answer my fears. As the months were passing, my pregnancy was a happy one because each day I would  feel happy and say, “Oh now it’s been another month. What am I going to learn?  What process is next?” Then I would  come here and the words given were necessary each time. Every time I needed to  know something they shared it.

And…well it was excellent and marvelous. In addition, I invited many people who want to learn in this program.  Now that my baby is born I can still  continue to come until she is 2 years old. Jenifer has learned to share and get along with other babies. Cindi and Michelle have taught us how to give our babies nutrients, how to put them to sleep.  It is a very nice process that they have shown because we have more children, but we don’t know how to do those things  and we don’t know how to ask, “what do we need to do” in any certain case to help.  Here we’re given all this advice that is  necessary for us to be able to go ahead.  Grace Place helped us very much; for  example, with the diapers, wipes and clothes. I mean, everything… everything.  It’s something that helps our babies, why? 

Because at times we don’t have the funds or don’t know where to go, or maybe we  come to this place and we don’t know where to ask for help, so we come here to  this place and they show us. I would also like to have something like  this to show us how to parent as our kids grow into adolescents….because we need a lot of experience as parents. Experience from people who have understanding and I am totally grateful, I’m super  happy. I’m blessed to have known these people and I would love to know that this place that helps others continues and that God may bless and hold them. Don’t let this end here.  Let’s help people learn how to continue  raising their babies and learning so that  with each day they can be healthy children. Thank you so much and may God bless you. Let’s support the work of the Lord and this program that I love. 

Making a Difference One Mom and Baby at a Time - Audra and Asher

Hi, my name is Audra  Langley. I found out I was  pregnant on December 2nd,  2022 at 8:58 am in my college dorm room. I was 6 weeks pregnant, 20 years old, and single.   I have a pro-life view so on that day it stopped being about me and started being about  the little one growing inside of  me. That night, I went home and told my parents. It was the scariest thing I have ever done because I knew that I was going to disappoint them, I also knew that they would support  me and would be happy that I came to them and I was right.  Even though I knew I was  pregnant, I was in denial. It didn’t feel real even though I took care of myself, went to every doctor’s appointment,  ate what I needed to, took my vitamins, left school to online, and got a full-time job. I still felt like I was missing something.  When I hit my three-month  mark, my therapist suggested that I attend the Grace Place Pregnancy Center a few times.  She told me the benefits such  as lessons to watch through  each period of pregnancy, emotional support from the advocates, a store where  you use in-store credit called  baby bucks where they have all the essentials such as diapers, wipes, clothes, bathtubs,  cribs etc. and you pay with your time and by learning.  The women who ran the place prayed with me about whatever was bothering me  and the hopes I had for the future. I knew once I started attending, it would be real. I was still in a state of denial, but I sucked it up because no matter what I felt, I had to learn and be the best mom because that’s what my baby deserved.  Every time I walked into  Grace Place, the emotional  struggle of pregnancy started  to feel lighter and lighter. I started going once a week after work and they accommodated my schedule. They  came in on Fridays if I was too tired to come during the  week’s normal business hours.  They helped me accept this pregnancy by showing that God still loved me. I stopped feeling ashamed of my little one in my tummy and started to love him unconditionally.  Grace Place helped me accept my son and soon those tears  of sadness turned into tears of  joy.


On July 28th, at 5:19 pm  Asher James Langley finally entered this world. I heard his  first cry, cut his umbilical cord, felt his skin on mine and my life changed! Every pain, every tear, every negative emotion I had experienced was all worth it because of this little life I was finally holding! This was only  possible because of God!  To those young women who are going through an unplanned pregnancy and feel like life is over because of the dreams and the plans you may  have made, it’s okay to feel  that way. I sure did. Once you  hold your baby in your arms or even hear their first heartbeat, those dreams may still be  there but a new and a better dream comes to light. Growing  and nurturing that little blessing, even after the hard 9 months, is the greatest gift of  all for the both of you. God is with you every step of the way  even during the darkest nights.    

Run Baby Run!

Our fourth annual Run, Baby Run is in the books as of April 20. This run/walk is our annual awareness event. Participants choose between a one mile

walk, a 5K run, and a 10K run. It appeals to a lot of people partly due to the spring time frame and partly due to the run choices. Participants receive a t-shirt when they enroll and a bib with their participant number. We track the type of race they are running by the color strip at the

bottom of their bib. We give the participants a goody bag at the end of the race. This year we included a bottle of water, snack bar, some fruit, and safety information for child car seats. One of the popular things that we do is give both male and female awards in many different age categories. This is an event for children through adults.

Winners include the following:

One mile 1sts: 0-13 Janay Wolters and Moses Lynch.

19-30: Kayla Wright

31-40: Farron Lynch,

41-64: Jill Wolters 1st, Kay Francis 2nd, Amanda Schwab 3rd, and

Mary Nagell 65+.

5K winners are as follows:

Vicki Rice 41-65 and Tava Davis 65+.

10K winners were as follows:

Luis Lozano 1st, Julian Arcenega 2nd, Raphael Figuero 3rd.

After the award ceremony Luis Lozano, the first

place winner of the 10K run gave his shoe certificate to Julian Arcenega, a preteen who had come in second. Luis had just come to run the race, not specifically to earn the. shoes. It warmed my heart to see Julian’s eyes light up as he received the certificate! Watch for next year’s race as we will be making some substantial upgrades with electronic run times and improved routes.

The Greatest Commandment is This...

I recently read Roland Warren’s article on speaking to pro- choice believers. He pointed to the Great Commandment which is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your strength, and your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus tells us in this passage that we are to love three: God, our neighbor, and ourselves. Roland explained that in Greek the word ‘neighbor’ really means ‘near one. ’ With a pregnant woman, her ’near one’ would logically be the nearest person to her, it would be the baby. The word love has lots of meanings. In this commandment, from Jesus, it is that agape love which is sacrificial: the love like when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. For the father, the child would be his near one because that baby is actually bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, literally. Roland spoke about the great commission, too. That charge, in Matthew 16-20 is to “go make disciples of others teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Christ gave us that commission. To summarize, we are to sacrificially love the Lord, our near one, and ourself. A mother is supposed to teach her baby to love the Lord, herself, and her neighbor. The dad is supposed to teach his child to love the Lord, himself, and his neighbor.Let’s take it a step further. In the story of the good Samaritan the guy gets robbed and beaten. A bunch of people don’t help him, but one does. Who is the neighbor to the vulnerable one? The one with mercy. It gets more beautiful. The word mercy is

exactly the same root word for the womb in the Hebrew. The

vulnerable one is ‘in the womb’.

Kansas Supports Pregnancy Care Centers

One of the really exciting things that happened this year was the development of a new program for pregnancy care centers. The legislators put 2 million in the budget to help pregnancy and adoption centers as a alternative to abortion. We qualified for this funding in December. It doesn’t change the way that we do things, but it does offer some more financial aid to help us do the things that we do day in and day out as a free center.

This funding was vetoed last year and the legislature overrode the veto. It was vetoed again this year and the legislature again overrode the veto. It looks like, until the governor changes her mind about pregnancy care centers, vetoes and overrides will be in our future. This tug of war makes these funds tenuous. Plus Planned Parenthood is trying to ruin our reputations on the web with negative stories. The support does not replace the need for donors, fund raising, and monthly contributors. They are another tool that helps pregnancy centers in Kansas make ends meet without having to be raising funds full-time.


Another exciting bill from this year’s legislative work makes any money donated to pregnancy care centers deductible at 70%. If you donate $1000, you will get a $700 credit on your taxes. ($100 gets you a $70 credit).

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 620-655-8050

Address Office: 311 N. Grant, Liberal, KS

Assistance Hours:

Mon – Fri 9:00am-5:00PM

Weekend by Appointment

311 N Grant Ave, Liberal, KS 67901, USA

Don't Lose Hope.

Don't Lose Hope.