

Since I started my pregnancy, I came to Grace Place. It was a very nice process because I was really welcomed with excellent service.

Cindy and Michelle are excellent people.

I had doubts during my pregnancy; but, they explained things and showed me videos to answer my fears.

As the months were passing, my pregnancy was a happy one because each day I would feel happy and say, “Oh now it’s been another month.

What am I going to learn? What process is next?”

Then I would come here and the words given were necessary each time.
Every time
I needed to know something they shared it. And…well it was excellent and marvelous. In addition, I invited many people who want to learn in this program.
Now that my baby is born I can still continue to come until she is 2 years old.

Jenifer has learned to share and get along with other babies. Cindi and Michelle have taught us how to give our babies nutrients, how to put them to sleep.

It is a very nice process that they have shown because we have more children, but we don’t know how to do those things and we don’t know how to ask, “what do we need to do” in any certain case to help.

Here we’re given all this advice that is necessary for us to be able to go ahead.

Grace Place helped us very much; for example, with the diapers, wipes and clothes. I mean, everything… everything.
It’s something that helps our babies, why?

Because at times we don’t have the funds or don’t know where to go, or maybe we come to this place and we don’t know where to ask for help, so we come here to this place and they show us.

I would also like to have something like this to show us, how to parent as our kids grow into adolescents.

Because we need a lot of experience as parents.

Experience from people who have understanding and I am totally grateful, I’m super happy. I’m blessed to have known these people and I would love to know that this place that helps others continues and that God may bless and hold them. Don’t let this end here.
Let’s help people learn how to continue raising their babies and learning so that with each day they can be healthy children.

Thank you so much and may God bless you. Let’s support the work of the Lord and this program that I love.


Since I started my pregnancy, I came to Grace Place. It was a very nice process because I was really welcomed with excellent service.

Cindy and Michelle are excellent people.

I had doubts during my pregnancy; but, they explained things and showed me videos to answer my fears.

As the months were passing, my pregnancy was a happy one because each day I would feel happy and say, “Oh now it’s been another month.

What am I going to learn? What process is next?”

Then I would come here and the words given were necessary each time.
Every time
I needed to know something they shared it. And…well it was excellent and marvelous. In addition, I invited many people who want to learn in this program.
Now that my baby is born I can still continue to come until she is 2 years old.

Jenifer has learned to share and get along with other babies. Cindi and Michelle have taught us how to give our babies nutrients, how to put them to sleep.

It is a very nice process that they have shown because we have more children, but we don’t know how to do those things and we don’t know how to ask, “what do we need to do” in any certain case to help.

Here we’re given all this advice that is necessary for us to be able to go ahead.

Grace Place helped us very much; for example, with the diapers, wipes and clothes. I mean, everything… everything.
It’s something that helps our babies, why?

Because at times we don’t have the funds or don’t know where to go, or maybe we come to this place and we don’t know where to ask for help, so we come here to this place and they show us.

I would also like to have something like this to show us, how to parent as our kids grow into adolescents.

Because we need a lot of experience as parents.

Experience from people who have understanding and I am totally grateful, I’m super happy. I’m blessed to have known these people and I would love to know that this place that helps others continues and that God may bless and hold them. Don’t let this end here.
Let’s help people learn how to continue raising their babies and learning so that with each day they can be healthy children.

Thank you so much and may God bless you. Let’s support the work of the Lord and this program that I love.


Hi, my name is Audra Langley. I found out I was pregnant on December 2nd, 2022 at 8:58 am in my college dorm room. I was 6 weeks pregnant, 20 years old, and single.

I have a pro-life view so on that day it stopped being about me and started being about the little one growing inside of me. That night, I went home and told my parents. It was the scariest thing I have ever done because I knew that I was going to disappoint them, I also knew that they would support me and would be happy that I came to them and I was right.

Even though I knew I was pregnant, I was in denial. It didn’t feel real even though I took care of myself, went to every doctor’s appointment, ate what I needed to, took my vitamins, left school to online, and got a full-time job. I still felt like I was missing something.

When I hit my three-month mark, my therapist suggested that I attend the Grace Place Pregnancy Center a few times. She told me the benefits such as lessons to watch through each period of pregnancy, emotional support from the advocates, a store where you use in-store credit called baby bucks where they have all the essentials such as diapers, wipes, clothes, bathtubs, cribs etc. and you pay with your time and by learning.

The women who ran the place prayed with me about whatever was bothering me and the hopes I had for the future. I knew once I started attending, it would be real. I was still in a state of denial, but I sucked it up because no matter what I felt,

I had to learn and be the best mom because that’s what my baby deserved.

Every time I walked into Grace Place, the emotional struggle of pregnancy started to feel lighter and lighter. I started going once a week after work and they accommodated my schedule. They came in on Fridays if I was too tired to come during the week’s normal business hours. They helped me accept this pregnancy by showing that God still loved me. I stopped feeling ashamed of my little one in my tummy and started to love him unconditionally. Grace Place helped me accept my son and soon those tears of sadness turned into tears of joy.

On July 28th, at 5:19 pm Asher James Langley finally entered this world. I heard his first cry, cut his umbilical cord, felt his skin on mine and my life changed! Every pain, every tear, every negative emotion I had experienced was all worth it because of this little life I was finally holding! This was only possible because of God!

To those young women who are going through an unplanned pregnancy and feel like life is over because of the dreams and the plans you may have made, it’s okay to feel that way. I sure did. Once you hold your baby in your arms or even hear their first heartbeat, those dreams may still be there but a new and a better dream comes to light. Growing and nurturing that little blessing, even after the hard 9 months, is the greatest gift of all for the both of you. God is with you every step of the way even during the darkest nights.


Hi, my name is Audra Langley. I found out I was pregnant on December 2nd, 2022 at 8:58 am in my college dorm room. I was 6 weeks pregnant, 20 years old, and single.

I have a pro-life view so on that day it stopped being about me and started being about the little one growing inside of me. That night, I went home and told my parents. It was the scariest thing I have ever done because I knew that I was going to disappoint them, I also knew that they would support me and would be happy that I came to them and I was right.

Even though I knew I was pregnant, I was in denial. It didn’t feel real even though I took care of myself, went to every doctor’s appointment, ate what I needed to, took my vitamins, left school to online, and got a full-time job. I still felt like I was missing something.

When I hit my three-month mark, my therapist suggested that I attend the Grace Place Pregnancy Center a few times. She told me the benefits such as lessons to watch through each period of pregnancy, emotional support from the advocates, a store where you use in-store credit called baby bucks where they have all the essentials such as diapers, wipes, clothes, bathtubs, cribs etc. and you pay with your time and by learning.

The women who ran the place prayed with me about whatever was bothering me and the hopes I had for the future. I knew once I started attending, it would be real. I was still in a state of denial, but I sucked it up because no matter what I felt,

I had to learn and be the best mom because that’s what my baby deserved.

Every time I walked into Grace Place, the emotional struggle of pregnancy started to feel lighter and lighter. I started going once a week after work and they accommodated my schedule. They came in on Fridays if I was too tired to come during the week’s normal business hours. They helped me accept this pregnancy by showing that God still loved me. I stopped feeling ashamed of my little one in my tummy and started to love him unconditionally. Grace Place helped me accept my son and soon those tears of sadness turned into tears of joy.

On July 28th, at 5:19 pm Asher James Langley finally entered this world. I heard his first cry, cut his umbilical cord, felt his skin on mine and my life changed! Every pain, every tear, every negative emotion I had experienced was all worth it because of this little life I was finally holding! This was only possible because of God!

To those young women who are going through an unplanned pregnancy and feel like life is over because of the dreams and the plans you may have made, it’s okay to feel that way. I sure did. Once you hold your baby in your arms or even hear their first heartbeat, those dreams may still be there but a new and a better dream comes to light. Growing and nurturing that little blessing, even after the hard 9 months, is the greatest gift of all for the both of you. God is with you every step of the way even during the darkest nights.


My name is Brittan. I am a birth mom to a beautiful little girl named Shae. I was 17 when I found out that  I was pregnant. I was scared, disappointed, and really embarrassed. Do I give birth and raise her? Do I educate myself more on the adoption process and how it all works? I could terminate the pregnancy and it  would all be done with quickly. I knew abortion was never an option that I could follow through with.  

I always dreamed of having two parents who were happily married and I knew I couldn’t give my baby that  at this point in my life; so, I chose adoption so that she would have both a mom and dad, in a financially  stable home and an environment she could flourish in. I just really didn’t want her to ever know the feeling  of that financial burden, so I wanted to give her that. I started to educate myself on adoption.

There are three types of adoption: closed adoption is an adop tion where the birthmother and child don’t know each other, semi-open adoption is where there is  limited communication between the birth mom and the adoptive parents (cards and letters are sent  through the adoption agency), and an open adoption is when the birth mother and child get to know  each other and the birthmother gets updates about her child.  

Andrea, the owner of the agency educated me more on the adoption process and really helped me be brave  throughout the whole journey. That same day I picked out Shae’s adoptive parents. I got to meet them a  couple months later and just knew right away that they were perfect and it was meant to be. 

Shae is 5 now and has the best adoptive parents I could have ever dreamed of for her. She knows exactly  who my family and I are. We schedule visits every year and I get updates about life events and just her  growth in general through email, pictures, and videos. She is just such a ray of sunshine and I can’t imagine my life without her. She is so loved and will always know that!  I’m sure everyone has heard the saying “it takes a village to raise a child.” Well, it also takes a village to  help that mama bring a healthy baby into this world. There are many girls who find themselves in the same  situation I was in, who need to know they will always be loved, taken care of, and are still so worthy!!  Community is so important and that is one of the many reasons why I love that Grace Place is in Liberal.  


My name is Brittan. I am a birth mom to a beautiful little girl named Shae. I was 17 when I found out that  I was pregnant. I was scared, disappointed, and really embarrassed. Do I give birth and raise her? Do I educate myself more on the adoption process and how it all works? I could terminate the pregnancy and it  would all be done with quickly. I knew abortion was never an option that I could follow through with.  

I always dreamed of having two parents who were happily married and I knew I couldn’t give my baby that  at this point in my life; so, I chose adoption so that she would have both a mom and dad, in a financially  stable home and an environment she could flourish in. I just really didn’t want her to ever know the feeling  of that financial burden, so I wanted to give her that. I started to educate myself on adoption.

There are three types of adoption: closed adoption is an adop tion where the birthmother and child don’t know each other, semi-open adoption is where there is  limited communication between the birth mom and the adoptive parents (cards and letters are sent  through the adoption agency), and an open adoption is when the birth mother and child get to know  each other and the birthmother gets updates about her child.  

Andrea, the owner of the agency educated me more on the adoption process and really helped me be brave  throughout the whole journey. That same day I picked out Shae’s adoptive parents. I got to meet them a  couple months later and just knew right away that they were perfect and it was meant to be. 

Shae is 5 now and has the best adoptive parents I could have ever dreamed of for her. She knows exactly  who my family and I are. We schedule visits every year and I get updates about life events and just her  growth in general through email, pictures, and videos. She is just such a ray of sunshine and I can’t imagine my life without her. She is so loved and will always know that!  I’m sure everyone has heard the saying “it takes a village to raise a child.” Well, it also takes a village to  help that mama bring a healthy baby into this world. There are many girls who find themselves in the same  situation I was in, who need to know they will always be loved, taken care of, and are still so worthy!!  Community is so important and that is one of the many reasons why I love that Grace Place is in Liberal.  


 My name is Tiffany Bowen and I participated in Grace Place’s individual learning program during my recent pregnancy. I contacted Cindi at Grace Place because I was extremely nervous about being a first-time mother. I had already confirmed that I was expecting with the doctor’s office, but I wanted to make sure that I did everything I could for my baby. At my initial meeting, Cindi made me feel so welcome and I knew that I was in a safe environment. Grace Place provided me with resources. Their baby boutique is fantastic! With each class, I earned “baby bucks.” I used those to purchase clothing and a car seat. While I have not spent many of the baby bucks I earned, just knowing I have that safety net has taken a bunch of worry off of me. I know that I have a resource that I can turn to if I need to.

During my first few classes, I met with Cindi directly at Grace Place. Later I did classes electronically. I was very grateful for this because work was hectic and I was not able to attend weekly meetings at Grace Place. Cindi texted me the lessons I requested and I completed them as they fit my schedule. The knowledge I gained from these lessons impacted me in different ways. The lessons that showed other mothers and their discussions about their own expectations often mirrored my own. Seeing that other mothers had many of the same thoughts and fears helped to comfort my own nerves.

As I worked towards the end of my classes, I began reaching the lessons about labor, childbirth, breastfeeding, and infant care. These were the topics I was most anxious about. I learned what to expect, what to do to prepare, and what was important. I tried to keep in mind that in 1 Peter 5:7 the Bible says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” These final classes meant that my journey was coming to an end. Finishing the classes helped give me peace in knowing I had gained knowledge and reassurance from these thirty-eight courses. I was proud of what I had accomplished not only for me, but also for my son, Theo. Many of the spiritual applications associated with the lessons made me feel empowered. I had not been very involved in religion or attended church in quite a while. These spiritual applications brought out that desire to attend church again. We have made it a habit of attending church nearly every week now. I want to raise my son with godly values so that he knows always how much our creator loves him.


 My name is Tiffany Bowen and I participated in Grace Place’s individual learning program during my recent pregnancy. I contacted Cindi at Grace Place because I was extremely nervous about being a first-time mother. I had already confirmed that I was expecting with the doctor’s office, but I wanted to make sure that I did everything I could for my baby. At my initial meeting, Cindi made me feel so welcome and I knew that I was in a safe environment. Grace Place provided me with resources. Their baby boutique is fantastic! With each class, I earned “baby bucks.” I used those to purchase clothing and a car seat. While I have not spent many of the baby bucks I earned, just knowing I have that safety net has taken a bunch of worry off of me. I know that I have a resource that I can turn to if I need to.

During my first few classes, I met with Cindi directly at Grace Place. Later I did classes electronically. I was very grateful for this because work was hectic and I was not able to attend weekly meetings at Grace Place. Cindi texted me the lessons I requested and I completed them as they fit my schedule. The knowledge I gained from these lessons impacted me in different ways. The lessons that showed other mothers and their discussions about their own expectations often mirrored my own. Seeing that other mothers had many of the same thoughts and fears helped to comfort my own nerves.

As I worked towards the end of my classes, I began reaching the lessons about labor, childbirth, breastfeeding, and infant care. These were the topics I was most anxious about. I learned what to expect, what to do to prepare, and what was important. I tried to keep in mind that in 1 Peter 5:7 the Bible says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” These final classes meant that my journey was coming to an end. Finishing the classes helped give me peace in knowing I had gained knowledge and reassurance from these thirty-eight courses. I was proud of what I had accomplished not only for me, but also for my son, Theo. Many of the spiritual applications associated with the lessons made me feel empowered. I had not been very involved in religion or attended church in quite a while. These spiritual applications brought out that desire to attend church again. We have made it a habit of attending church nearly every week now. I want to raise my son with godly values so that he knows always how much our creator loves him.

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 620-655-8050

Address Office: 311 N. Grant, Liberal, KS

Assistance Hours:

Mon – Fri 9:00am-5:00PM

Weekend by Appointment

311 N Grant Ave, Liberal, KS 67901, USA

Don't Lose Hope.


 My name is Tiffany Bowen and I participated in Grace Place’s individual learning program during my recent pregnancy. I contacted Cindi at Grace Place because I was extremely nervous about being a first-time mother. I had already confirmed that I was expecting with the doctor’s office, but I wanted to make sure that I did everything I could for my baby. At my initial meeting, Cindi made me feel so welcome and I knew that I was in a safe environment. Grace Place provided me with resources. Their baby boutique is fantastic! With each class, I earned “baby bucks.” I used those to purchase clothing and a car seat. While I have not spent many of the baby bucks I earned, just knowing I have that safety net has taken a bunch of worry off of me. I know that I have a resource that I can turn to if I need to.

During my first few classes, I met with Cindi directly at Grace Place. Later I did classes electronically. I was very grateful for this because work was hectic and I was not able to attend weekly meetings at Grace Place. Cindi texted me the lessons I requested and I completed them as they fit my schedule. The knowledge I gained from these lessons impacted me in different ways. The lessons that showed other mothers and their discussions about their own expectations often mirrored my own. Seeing that other mothers had many of the same thoughts and fears helped to comfort my own nerves.

As I worked towards the end of my classes, I began reaching the lessons about labor, childbirth, breastfeeding, and infant care. These were the topics I was most anxious about. I learned what to expect, what to do to prepare, and what was important. I tried to keep in mind that in 1 Peter 5:7 the Bible says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” These final classes meant that my journey was coming to an end. Finishing the classes helped give me peace in knowing I had gained knowledge and reassurance from these thirty-eight courses. I was proud of what I had accomplished not only for me, but also for my son, Theo. Many of the spiritual applications associated with the lessons made me feel empowered. I had not been very involved in religion or attended church in quite a while. These spiritual applications brought out that desire to attend church again. We have made it a habit of attending church nearly every week now. I want to raise my son with godly values so that he knows always how much our creator loves him.

Don't Lose Hope.